January 14, 2013

The Key that Unlocks the Mystery

Of all the books of knowledge originating in India, none is more popular or widely read or commented on than the Bhagavad-gita. Suffice to say that as many commentaries there are,  as many opinions on its meaning exists.

The Gita is known as Gitopanisad because is summarizes the entire range of the Vedic knowledge and presents the conclusion of the Vedas throughout its body.

In many places Krsna describes the qualification necessary to  understand the the subject matter of the Gita. For example, in chapter 4 verse 3 He says that Arjuna is fit to understand the Gita because Arjuna is His friend and devotee. Srila Prabhupada writes that to understand the Gita one has to have a similar disposition as Arjuna.

Srila Prabhupada writes: "The nondevotee's approach to the teachings of the Gita is something like that of a bee licking on a bottle of honey. One cannot have a taste of honey unless one opens the bottle. Similarly, the mysticism of the Bhagavad-gita can be understood only by devotees, and no one else can taste it..." (BG 2.12 purport)

A very practical example is that a person reveals the most intimate details of himself and his personality to those who have the most intimate relationship with them. Persons who are averse to them, envious, friends in an official capacity and so on are limited in how much they can understand about a person. However, that persons's very close friends or family members have the opportunity to understand the most about that person. Everyone who knows the president of prime minister of a country knows them in an official capacity and address them as such, but their family members and close friends may call them by their first name and know their bad habits and deep secrets.

It is the same with understand the Gita. Those to endeavour to develop a close relationship with Krsna will find the meaning of Bhagavad-gita being revealed on every page, but those who prefer to hold on to their own opinions and seek to use the text to achieve their own means will find the essential meaning the Gtia securely locked away from their efforts.

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